Policy and Procedure host/organize events

[CME/CPD/workshop/Seminar/symposium/conference etc]

and other educational activities on behalf of GLAFIMS ACADEMY:

Version 1 Dated April15, 2024

Guidelines to be followed for hosting CME/ Conference/ Symposium/ Workshop/ Webinar / other educational activities under the banner of GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION

1.     The organizer will nominate an organizing secretary to communicate on behalf of the organizing committee.

2.     Organizing Chairman/ Organizing secretary on behalf of organizing committee will submit proposed plan atleasts 3 months before the event. Preference will be given to life members of GLAFIMS ACADEMY following the seniority based on date of joining.

3.     The organizing secretary will the proposal by email to president glafims india and copy to secretary at their official email. Email: president@glafims.org.in and secretary@glafims.org.in or emails provided advised by competent authority.

4.     All application formal discussion in meeting of Governing Council will be submitted for formal approvals from BODS. The bods reserve the right to directly grant approval without being discussed in GC if they opined that the process is delayed and to facilitate organizing of the event.

5.     President/Secretary can give verbal approval if they want to speed up the process. However formal approval can be taken in upcoming meeting of GC. The BODS can give direct verbal approval if they think it is within the scope of vision and mission to speed up the process and decrease application processing time.

6.     Organizers have the right to use GLAFIMS LOGO on banners/flyers/podium etc

7.     GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION will not pay or sponsor in event except in case deemed necessary by BODS.

8.     After the event is over, organizers must submit complete report to General Secretary, GLAFIMS INDIA within 1 month in prescribed format.

9.     Only Authorized person for any specific event CME/Workshop/Conference/Meet etc officially approved by BODS to collect money on behalf of the association is bound to submit all details of transaction with bills and all required items, to treasurer GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION with one month of the event.

10.  Organizers are bound to invite GLAFIMS office bearers and GC members in the event for review and assessment of the event.

11.  Organizers can choose topic, theme, and speakers as per their convenience.

12.  Signature of President or General Secretary of GLAFIMS INDIA is mandatory on certificates. With some exceptions where it is not mandatory eg CME credit certificate.

13.  Organizers must give due acknowledgement to GLAFIMS during the event.

14.  Organizers must not follow any of the prevailing code of conduct and should follow ethical guidelines laid down by NMC and other local implementing councils.

15.  Organizers are free to attach with other associations also but need to disclose at the time of submission of the proposal.

16.  GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION will not be held responsible for any query or objection, or content delivered during the event.

17.  No person is authorized to collect any money except under written permission formally issued by competent Board of Directors or MD and Chairman on behalf of Board of Directors.

18.  There is no need for separate event audit at the level of organizing secretary or organizing team however the organizing secretary, if needed, may conduct internal audit and submit all details to treasurer, GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION to facilitate formal annual audit.

19.  The board reserve the right to issue a brief audit summary [if deemed necessary] with or without being associated with request from organizing committee of the event. The summary broadly include the following items

a.     Total amount collected from registration of the event. Details of individual registration will be considered violation of privacy of registrant/participant.

b.     Total Amount paid to speakers/organizers. Details of individual payments without consent will be considered violation of privacy of speakers/organizers.

c.      Total Amount paid to IT Services [website, certificate, zoom fee/brochure and flyers etc] rendered.

d.     Total Amount spent on onsite management [Food and lodge, video recording, decoration, mementos, etc]

20.  All the decisions taken by BODS is binding on all members and all governing councils locally and globally. BODS reserves the right to take decisions on behalf of GALFIMS ASSOCIATION without any prior notifications to anyone. In case of any violations of code of conduct/Bylaws of GLAFIMS ASSOCIATION in the deemed vision of members of BODS, necessary actions will be taken against the person violating it. However right to appeal is protected. The appellant can submit revision/reconsideration within 7 days of the notification through officially prescribed means.


Address: 6, City Centre, Medical College Road, Aligarh 202002 India     E-Mail: glafims@gmail.com web: www.glafims.org
Copyright © 2021-22 by Global Academy of Forensic and Investigative Medicine and Science [GLAFIMS Association]. All rights reserved. Last Updated: August 17,  2022